I can remember sitting in my room listening to Thursday's "Full Collapse" record and thinking to myself; this is a turning point in my life. Thursday was more than a band to me. For me, they opened the doors to indie, post-rock, hardcore and just the idea of listening to music that wasn't from MTV. Full Collapse represents such an eye opening time in my life. They taught me to listen and not just hear. The way they layered guitar riffs over eachother and the way the rythum section swayed and grooved and then abruptly lost all control was completely new and exciting. When I first listened to Thursday in 8th grade my musical spectrum didn't completely change, it expanded.
Thursday taught teenage musicians everywhere to slow down their playing and make something melodic. Thousands of bands followed and tried to mimic the sonic they worked so hard to create but I always preffered the pioneers.
In a statement..."We haven't had any falling out and are all still close. I'm sure that we will continue to create, in some capacity, together. We've talked about turning Thursday into something else: a non-profit, a band that only records sporadically, a collection of other projects ... Underneath it all, the personal circumstances involved make it impossible to continue Thursday in the spirit that has made it special. So, we stop. For now, at least."
There will never be another Thursday. Sure you can mimic the sound and capture that passion but what that band gave to me can never be recreated.
And here's the song that changed it all...