
Wipe Out!

I've been living off of Cliff bars and water lately...bare-bones. I leave for Seattle the day after tomorrow. I will be hanging out for a week, giving my legs a much needed rest!

I wiped out last night @ the HOC Relay Race. I was sprinting down a pitch black road trying to catch up to Chcuk and Brett, who were already leaving the first stop a few minutes before. I was out of my saddle in the drops when i hit something...probably a rock. All I remember is sliding...far, and hearing my helmet scrap against the asphalt. There was some guy in a car who said I slid 10 maybe 20 feet from where I fell, and asked if I was okay. I immediately got up and checked out my bike because it sounded like something snapped, it was hard to tell in the dark but nothing did. I walked back to Erwin to check out my scraps in the light. Then got a ride back to Starbucks.

I cracked my helmet, ripped my bib and jersey, counted 12 scars/bruises on my arms and legs, and had a great time. Next time!



Anonymous said...

you leave the day before i get there :/

duskydarlinghue said...

thank you for wearing a helmet! I can't believe you cracked it....

kris said...

good to see that you are ok. totally miss you, trying to make it to interbike this year.