
not-so-weekly-update post

I skipped my evening class to hang out with Danny Kam at Starbucks. I got a black coffee. We talked about all sorts of crazy things: art, coffee, cycling, wine, school, and all things awesome. I am all for breaking routines. It makes my days exciting. On the way home I put my legs on autopilot and let my mind wander. Quirky tangents, rants, vents, and ideas were flowing with my smooth cadence...

Little projects and ideas keep my head busy at night. I'm slowly putting together my TOP 50 RECORDS OF 2009 List. Unless something mind blowing comes out of nowhere it's a close toss up for record of the year: Dirty Projectors, Grizzly Bear, Fuck Buttons and Animal Collective. We shall see how that pans out.

Concerts for this month: Leonard Cohen, Converge, Jim Ward (Sparta, ATDI, Streetcar)

Also working on getting my NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS in place. I did a pretty good job sticking with mine this year. No more drinking soda, stepping my game up in cycling, and collecting more records. Easy enough...

Don't let the city you are in determine who you are, take everything in and create your own perfect harmony. I feel I could be happy anywhere. I'm just ecstatic for every day I get and the people I get to share it with.


nick said...

i need you up here.

Unknown said...

i need to make it happen!