
Rapha's Festive 500

500k during the holiday week...

Rapha is challenging riders across the globe to go the distance and escape the clutches of holiday indulgence by riding 500 kilometers between the 23rd and 31st of December. Clock your kilometers however you can and then post evidence on their facebook page: facebook.com/rapharacing.

While this seems a bit easier for the folks who are off for the holiday week, this may be do-able. 500 kilometers is 310.7 miles... which is about 60 miles more than I usually ride during the week. Rapha did a Thanksgiving Festive Contest last month, and I missed it by only 40 miles; and I didn't even know it was going on! Thanksgiving is way different than Christmas though. For starters, it was beautiful out during late November and now the cold is a bit more apparant. Plus, I don't really need to "escape holiday indulgences", I've got work and holiday shopping to keep me busy. I don't think I have sat in front of a TV in months and months.

Megan and I are planning a nice breakfast/gift opening on Christmas Day, so I don't plan on riding that day. I would love for my friends to attempt this excellent off-season training challenge!

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