
BSS Returns

Please excuse my silence on here, do not take it maliciously. With a mixture of terrible sickness and MAGIC week, long work hours and painfully longer hours of staying up congested kept me from this.

Some great news to report. After five years Broken Social Scene returns!! This band means a lot to me and I get a warm nostalgic feeling when I hear 7/4 Shoreline. Feel Good Lost is still on heavy rotation when I need to unwind. The members of the Canadian indie collective had some success with solo projects (Feist did okay for herself. Apple is still writing checks.) and now they are presenting their follow-up to 2005's self-titled LP.

So album art, tour dates, songs, and news came out on their new album Forgiveness Rock Record and the cover art predicts something epic and wonderful. Click the pic to hear a new track.

I have so much more to post but I gotta ride over to the East Side Crit and get ready to leave for Dominguez Hills Criterium tomorrow. Cheers.

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